A wise, witchy, and welcoming guide to living life magically.
Mya Spalter has spent years among candles, herbs, cats, and spells as an employee at New York City's oldest occult shop, Enchantments. Since it would get crowded in there if all of you visited, this book will be your guide to its secrets and stories; in the process, Mya will introduce you to some mystical concepts you can use to build spells and rituals that resonate with your own personal style, including:
• Create and maintain altars Even people who aren't spiritually inclined seem to be able to get down with the beneficial function of an altar as a place to model beauty and balance in their lives. It's aspirational.
• Save your love magic for yourself Because casting a love spell on someone else is pushy and far too easy to mess up.
• Clean your filthy apartment Fine, maybe you make your bed every day, but Mya's talking about the kind of grime you can't necessarily see.
• Money magic for need, not greed Hint: It starts with tipping well; it doesn't pay to be miserly when asking the universe for abundance.
Mya reveals the power of colours (Louboutins wouldn't have the same status if their soles were lavender), the keys to banishing unfriendly spirits (with cleansing rituals or even a dance party), and invaluable instructions in the timeless arts of astrology, tarot, and finding a parking spot downtown.